Exercising and the Risk for Atrial Fibrillation

Exercising and the Risk for Atrial Fibrillation

There has been a lot of evidence which shows that atrial fibrillation is a condition which occurs as a result of poor lifestyle choices, such as being overweight. In other cases, however, atrial fibrillation is usually triggered by other conditions, including hypertension, thyroid disease, and mitral regurgitation. Hence, people who have atrial fibrillation and are overweight can eliminate the condition by simply applying and following an aggressive lifestyle modification program. Losing weight is usually accompanied by significant changes in the structure and function of the heart, which helps in promoting the heart rhythm.

Exercise and Atrial Fibrillation

A number of studies have shown than exercise plays an important role in the development or management of atrial fibrillation. As sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of atrial fibrillation, so does overindulge in endurance exercise. Plenty of studies have shown that there is a strong link between a sedentary lifestyle and atrial fibrillation while doing an exercise can substantially improve cardiopulmonary fitness levels and reduce or eliminate atrial fibrillation.

However, too much exercise, or people who chronically engage in long bouts of endurance exercise, such as marathon runners, are at an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation. This means that not everyone with a sedentary lifestyle or who habitually performs lots of endurance training will develop atrial fibrillation. It seems like certain people are susceptible to atrial fibrillation, mainly due to genetic influences. So, doing extreme exercises can be seen as an issue.

If you decide to lose some weight as a treatment for atrial fibrillation, you should consult your doctor. They can show you a reasonable exercise program, which will help you eliminate atrial fibrillation and improve your overall health. 

Before Taking Up Any Exercise Program, Know What Type of Atrial Fibrillation You Have

Knowing which type of atrial fibrillation you have is crucial when deciding on the exercise program. There are four types of atrial fibrillation and each one requires a different set of exercises.

Hence, patients with persistent atrial fibrillation are only allowed to stick to gentle, low-impact programs because they are always in atrial fibrillation while exercise is allowed only when a person isn’t suffering from an episode.

On the other hand, a person with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation can pursue just about any program they like, but they shouldn’t overdo it. Vagal atrial fibrillation patients usually experience episodes during or after a meal or resting after exercise. For these people, exercise can actually help stop the episodes.

Last but not least, patients with adrenergic atrial fibrillation experience episodes during the day and are normally triggered by exercise, exertion, or stimulants. Thus, exercise isn’t recommended as it can be the culprit for an episode.
