Atrial Flutter vs. Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Flutter vs. Atrial Fibrillation

There are two types of abnormal heart rhythm known as atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation. Both these conditions make your heart beat too fast but in a very different way. The most common type of heart rhythm issue is atrial fibrillation. However, about one-third of people who have atrial fibrillation also have atrial flutter.

Both conditions share some symptoms, such as dizziness and racing heart. So, it can be quite challenging to tell these two conditions apart. Therefore, it’s very important to see your doctor who will determine the type of heart problem you have. So, depending on whether you have an atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation, there will be a responding treatment which will put your heart back into a normal rhythm and prevent other health issues.

Atrial Flutter vs. Atrial Fibrillation

There is a built-in electrical system in your heart which keeps it beating at a steady pace. So, when there is a normal heartbeat, an electrical signal starts in your heart's upper chambers, also known as the atria. Thus, the atria contract and push blood into your heart's lower chambers, known as ventricles. Then, the signal travels down to the ventricles, which contract to push blood out to your body. Both the atria and ventricles squeeze and release in a constant pattern to keep your heartbeat even and steady.

However, when atrial flutter happens, these impulses don't travel steadily from the top of your heart to the bottom but move in a circle inside the upper chambers. Hence, you experience a fast heartbeat, but in a steady rhythm.

On the other hand, people with atrial fibrillation have fast and disorderly electrical signals that travel through the atria. So, these signals quiver instead of squeezing, which lead to a fast heartbeat in a chaotic rhythm.

Both of these conditions don’t always have symptoms, but when they do, they can feel very similar. Some of the symptoms might include trouble exercising, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations, tiredness, and confusion.

In order to get a proper diagnosis of the condition you might have your doctor will ask you about symptoms and medical history. Then, they will probably do a physical exam, measure your blood pressure, take your pulse, and listen to your heart. There are several tests which diagnose atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation, including electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, Holter monitor, blood tests, and event recorder.

Getting atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter is more likely if you have had a heart attack, heart failure, hypertension, heart valve issues, diabetes, alcohol abuse, alcohol abuse, and long-term lung disease. There are a number of health issues which might trigger atrial fibrillation, such as heart defects, coronary artery disease, obesity, sleep apnea, and pericarditis.

Both atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter mean that your heart doesn’t pump blood as well as it should. Hence, clots are more likely to form. So, if one of these clots gets to the brain, a stroke will occur. Likewise, fast heartbeat will also make your heart muscle weaker, which can trigger heart failure.

These two conditions might sound similar, but they have different treatments. The treatment for atrial fibrillation will try to slow your heart rate, control the rhythm and prevent blood clots. Hence, people with atrial fibrillation will probably get medicines, such as blood thinners, beta blockers, and heart rhythm control drugs. In case these medicines don’t work, you will probably be required to undergo electrical cardio version or need a pacemaker.

Atrial flutter is usually cured with a procedure called ablation, which uses high-energy radio waves to burn off the tiny areas of your heart that cause the abnormal heart rhythm.

Additionally, with both these conditions, a healthy diet is crucial, as well as, shedding some pounds. Last but not least, moderate and regular exercise will help you manage your heart rhythm.
