Why Type II Diabetics Should Be Tested For Sleep Apnea

Why Type II Diabetics Should Be Tested For Sleep Apnea

If you've recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, then you've got a lot of different things you need to do to stay healthy. However, you may not have known that sleep apnea could be an issue for you. Here's why you should be tested for sleep apnea, and what to do if you are diagnosed with it.

Insomnia And Diabetes

Before you were diagnosed with diabetes, you may have been suffering from insomnia first. Insomnia is a fairly common condition, and it can be caused by all kinds of issues. These include pain, depression, and sleep apnea. If you start suffering from insomnia, you can start suffering other, connected issues. This includes obesity, strokes, and diabetes.

As you can see, all of these issues are related. If you're living with type 2 diabetes, then there is a good chance you have sleep apnea too.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

So, what is sleep apnea? It's a common sleep condition that affects your breathing as you sleep. It can lead to irregular breathing patterns and shallow breathing and interrupted sleep as you catch your breath.

This condition often goes undiagnosed as the sufferer believes they're just dealing with insomnia, and so they don't seek help for it. However, if it goes untreated it can cause many of the health issues listed above. If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, then you can well be suffering from sleep apnea as well.

Could You Have Sleep Apnea?

So, if you've read this far, you may be wondering if you have sleep apnea. Is it possible? If you've had any of the following symptoms of insomnia, then it could be possible:

  • Falling asleep in the daytime, or in inappropriate situations
  • Memory problems
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

If any of these sound familiar to you, then it may be worth getting a sleep insomnia test.

How A Sleep Test Works

Traditionally, if you need a sleep test, you'll need to go to your doctor to be examined. Your doctor will look at your symptoms, and decide what to do. They may decide that you need a sleep test. These tests examine you while you're asleep, and the results are used to decide on your treatment.

To do this test, you'll be required to go to a dedicated facility and sleep in dedicated sensors. These help the technician in the next room see how you're sleeping and possibly diagnose any issues that are causing your insomnia.

While these tests are very accurate, they're often not suitable for a lot of people. Some people find it very difficult to fall asleep anywhere that isn't their own bedroom, and it's worse when you know when you're being watched by somebody else. Others can't take the time away from home, as they have small children or other responsibilities they can't stay away from. If this is the case for you, you've got other options for getting insomnia and sleep apnea diagnosed.

Home Sleep Apnea and Insomnia Tests

Thanks to modern technology, you can actually take a similar test right at home, in your own bed. This gets rid of a lot of issues at a single stroke. You don't have to spend a night away from home, you won't have to be covered in uncomfortable sensors, and you can sleep comfortably without any interruptions.

A home sleep disorder test is much more straightforward than you'd think. Here at Virtuox, we've developed the VirtuSOM. This neat and comfortable piece of gear fits on your head with a headband and uses just three sensors to measure your sleep patterns. Here's why it's one of the best home tests out there:

  • Comfortable to sleep in: With just one headband to wear, you can sleep comfortably, giving an accurate reading that your doctor can use.
  • Easy to use: There's nothing simpler than the VirtuSOM to set up and use. You can get it up and be running no time, and you'll not have to worry about getting the right results.
  • Accurate and simple to understand results: Once you get your results you'll find it easy to understand them. That way, you can take them to your doctor and know what you have.
  • Cost effective: A visit to a sleep lab can cost a lot of money, even with insurance. If you're looking to save money, then a home insomnia test can be the way to go.

As you can see, there's a clear link between sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes. If you have diabetes, it's a good idea to have yourself tested for sleep apnea. If you get tested, then you can avoid a lot of issues later on down the line.


VirtuOx is the leader in home sleep tests and pulse oximetry.
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