Ways to Actually Get Some Sleep When You're Pregnant

Ways to Actually Get Some Sleep When You're Pregnant

There’s no doubt that sleeping during pregnancy can be quite challenging. Sometimes it is a big struggle as sleep disturbances are pretty common in pregnant women. The reason why this happens is that the body’s going through huge changes which may greatly impact the ability to fall and stay asleep, some of which include frequent urge to urinate, heartburn, back pain, and anxiety. Luckily, certain tips may help you put an end to those sleepless nights spent tossing and turning in bed. Here’s what you could try:

  1. Mind Your Dinner

As dinner is the last meal of the day you should limit your portion if you want to prevent heartburn. In other words, you should eat a small dinner to avoid acid reflux. But, ensure you also eat your meal at least two hours before bed.

  1. Try a Pregnancy Pillow

Using a pregnancy pillow means that you provide extra support and cushion around your knees, ankles, back, and belly. It also means that you can easily get into a comfortable position, especially into a side-sleeping position, which is the most recommended during pregnancy.

  1. Limit Screen Time

No matter the type of electronic gadget you use, whether it is a mobile phone, a tablet, a laptop, etc., they all emit blue light which impedes your ability to fall asleep. Hence, avoid electronic screens for at least one to two hours before bedtime.

  1. Follow a Nighttime Routine

Next, you should try to find a calming ritual that will help your mind and body prepare for sleep. For example, you may try reading a book, listening to some soft music, or taking a warm shower or bath. Just choose whichever makes you feel relaxed and do it every night.

  1. Try Prenatal Yoga

Another relaxing activity you may try is prenatal yoga. In fact, you could either join pregnancy yoga classes or practice it on your own, by watching it on YouTube videos. And, of course, prenatal yoga can also be your nighttime ritual. It will help you stay fit and flexible.

  1. Use a Humidifier

Congestion can truly interrupt your sleep and, unfortunately, pregnant women are more likely to suffer from nasal congestion. Therefore, you should try to eliminate this issue by using a humidifier which will help you keep your nasal passages open throughout the night.

  1. Stay Physically Active

Being pregnant doesn’t mean that you should just stay in bed. Instead, stay active even though you feel tired and lack energy. Of course, you shouldn’t do any strenuous exercise but taking a walk or doing some moderate aerobic exercise can help you significantly.

  1. Elevate Your Mattress

If you have an adjustable mattress, you should definitely make use of this tip. Indeed, all you need to do is elevate your head a bit. Doing so will prevent stomach acid from rising into your chest and throat, i.e., heartburn.

  1. Meditate

Last but not least, similar to prenatal yoga, you may also try meditation. Practicing controlled breathing will not only help you relax and fall asleep easily but also may come in handy during labor as we know that proper breathing is really important.

The bottom line is there’s no reason why you should accept spending sleepless nights during pregnancy. Try the above-listed tips and get the rest and sleep you’ve been longing for.
