Untreated Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Untreated Sleep Apnea Symptoms

There are several signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea which might come as a surprise. Besides the obvious symptoms, such as snoring, repeated waking up gasping for air and gaining weight, there are other symptoms which might indicate that your sleep apnea is untreated. Here are some of the most surprising sleep apnea symptoms.

Untreated Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Brain Issues

Untreated sleep apnea might cause difficulty thinking. In fact, if the sleep condition is untreated it is very likely that you will face issues thinking clearly throughout the day, also known as brain fog. Sleep apnea doesn’t allow a person to get a refreshing sleep because due to the condition, the debris in the pathways of the brain isn’t cleared. Hence, you might experience difficulty concentrating and deal with poor memory and attention issues.

Mood Swings and Depression

There is a very close link between sleep apnea and depression. Hence, dealing with sleep apnea might leave you feeling down or experiencing constant mood swings. Likewise, the low energy levels might also lead to increased or reduced appetite. So, if you or anyone close to you is experiencing these symptoms, immediate sleep apnea treatment is required. Some people might additionally need antidepressant medication.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common risk for people living with sleep apnea, especially if the condition is not treated. Hypertension might increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. The disrupted breathing during sleep causes the blood oxygen levels to drop which increases the blood pressure. If you’re having difficulties regulating your blood pressure, you might need to have a home sleep study to determine whether sleep apnea is the culprit. Fortunately, CPAP therapy has proven to be one of the most effective treatments both for sleep apnea and reducing the blood pressure.


This is another common symptom of untreated sleep apnea. So,  if you deal with difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, it might mean that you have sleep apnea. The cause for this issue is usually the cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea. The stress of breathing disruptions causes systemic inflammation.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding or clenching might indicate that you have sleep apnea. This condition is known as bruxism and it occurs subconsciously during sleeping in order to keep the jaw from moving backwards and tighten the muscles of the airway. Bruxism might trigger many awakenings during sleep and cause tooth enamel damage. Thus, treating sleep apnea is very crucial.

Unrefreshing Sleep and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

If you wake up more tired than before you went to bed and feel sleepy throughout the day, it might mean that you are experiencing sleep deprivation. This can be quite dangerous as it often leads to drowsiness and falling asleep while driving.

Waking to Urinate

If you often wake up to urinate during the night, you probably have a condition known as nocturia. This condition might occur due to various reasons, such as diuretic medications and sleep apnea. Those common trips to the bathroom can be reduced if you get a proper sleep apnea treatment.


Experiencing acid reflux or nighttime heartburn is another untreated sleep apnea symptom. When the airways collapse during sleep, there is a negative pressure which draws the contents of the stomach into the esophagus and triggers heartburn.


This is a rare but possible sleep apnea symptom which indicates that the condition needs treatment. Sleepwalking and sleep-talking may suggest sleep apnea. These complex behaviors might be treated as soon as you get a proper sleep apnea treatment.

Dry Mouth

Experiencing dry mouth or even drooling are other possible sleep apnea symptoms. When the nasal passage is blocked, you have to breathe through your mouth and as a result, your mouth gets dry. If you experience drooling, it is very likely that you sleep with your mouth open.

So, if you experience one or several of these symptoms, it’s crucial to undergo a home sleep testing which will help you determine whether you have sleep apnea and how to treat it.

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