Top Things to Know About Sleep Apnea

Top Things to Know About Sleep Apnea

You know that sleep is essential, but when disrupted, it can have a negative effect on the entire lifestyle. There are numerous sleep disorders which can disrupt the sleep process. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder which causes difficulties in the breathing while a person is sleeping. It is a real struggle to deal with sleep apnea and its treatment can be an arduous task. So, if you want to understand sleep apnea better, you’re at the right place.

Top Things to Know About Sleep Apnea

The Triggers of Sleep Apnea

There are numerous specific conditions and factors which are believed to trigger sleep apnea. The factors which increase the risk of sleep apnea are chronical nasal congestion, age, neck size, and intake of sleeping pills. Even though sleep apnea can happen almost to anyone, certain factors can indeed increase the risk.

Symptoms Associated with Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea disrupts a person’s sleep due to difficulties in breathing. People with sleep apnea usually experience headaches and mood changes. It doesn’t only affect the sleep but also the entire lifestyle of a person. Likewise, people who have sleep apnea usually snore because air can’t pass due to an obstruction in the upper airway.

To Diagnose Sleep Apnea You Undergo a Sleep Study

In order to diagnose sleep apnea, it’s required that a patient undergoes a sleep study. The sleep study can be performed in a testing centre or at home. If done at the testing centre, patients usually arrive at 8:30 at night get hooked up to the polysomnogram. This tool monitors the air flow both from the nose and mouth. However, most patients prefer a home study. This is only approved if the patient doesn’t have some serious health risks or prior heart attacks.

The reason why many patients and physicians opt for a home sleep study is that not everyone is comfortable sleeping in new surroundings. Many people will feel uncomfortable sleeping while they know someone is watching and monitoring their breathing. To overcome this uneasy situation, VirtuOx offers a home sleep test. In fact, VirtuOx provides a home sleep study equipment which you can take home with you and conduct a sleep study on your own, from the comfort of your own room and own bed.

The results of a home sleep study are accurate as they capture your typical sleep pattern for the night. There are a countless number of devices on the market for a home sleep study which you can get, but the equipment from VirtuOx are highly recommended by medical professionals.

At VirtuOx, you can choose from a line of home sleep study devices. Some of the most commonly chosen ones are:

ApneaLink Air, a compact, cost-efficient, easy-to-use device that provides five channels of data (respiratory effort, pulse, oxygen saturation, nasal flow, and snoring). Comes with a one-touch operation and a Test Complete light which lets patients know when the evaluation has completed. It gives accurate diagnoses due to the detailed information it provides.

Alice NightOne, a three-sensor device and an auto-on recording feature that does not require the patient to click any “on” or “off” buttons. Comes with seven channels of data for a clinician to evaluate.

WatchPat, an FDA-approved portable diagnostic home test device. It has a unique feature to use finger-based physiology and innovative technology to enable simplicity and accuracy in obstructive sleep apnea testing. It provides simple yet accurate testing.

Effective Treatment Options

There are several effective treatment options for sleep apnea. The best treatment option is the CPAP. The CPAP is a continuous positive airway pressure ventilator which sleep apnea patients use every night. This treatment involves wearing a small mask either the nose or the mouth. As soon as the CPAP has alleviated the symptoms, it is possible to have a surgical treatment. However, it’s essential to mention that not every person with sleep apnea needs a CPAP.

Preventive Measures for Reducing the Risk of Sleep Apnea

There are several preventive measures which everyone should undertake to reduce the risk of sleep apnea. The most important thing is to maintain and healthy body weight and healthy lifestyle. Additionally, eliminating smoking, alcohol, and sedatives are essential for boosting the chances of living better.
