Three Things you Can do Now to Reduce your Chance of Sleep Apnea

Three Things you Can do Now to Reduce your Chance of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes poor sleep quality due to the uncontrollable pause in breathing. Taking shallow breaths during sleep and suddenly waking up startled can happen many times over the course of the night. Someone who suffers from sleep apnea may suddenly stop breathing multiple times in one night, with some stopping upwards of 30 times in one hour. Many people think that sleep apnea is just heavy or loud snoring when in fact it’s much more serious than that. Sleep apnea can lead to a decrease in quality of life and even death. The entire start and stop process of breathing is associated with loud snoring, choking noises, poor sleep, increased fatigue, and anxiety during the day. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent sleep apnea or reduce your chances of developing it all together.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Keeping a healthy weight has so many health benefits beyond just sleep. However, since we spend a majority of our lives sleeping, it’s crucial that we take into account how much our weight impacts our quality of sleep. The more overweight you are, the more likely you are to have sleep disturbances since fat deposits around your upper airway can obstruct normal breathing. Those who are trying to lose weight may struggle with doing so when not getting the proper amount of sleep each night, as some studies show that we are more inclined to consume more calories when tired. Eating a high fiber diet and consuming healthy fats along with regular exercise can keep you healthy and will help to avoid you having to purchase any home sleep study equipment.

Avoid Excessive Alcohol and Smoking

Alcohol is known to interfere with the quality of sleep and can also relax the throat muscles, including the uvula and palate. These two muscles are needed to help control breathing while you are asleep. Smoking and alcohol consumption can contribute to inflammation and fluid retention in the airways. This ultimately results in disturbed sleeping patterns. Smokers are three times more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea than non-smokers. Limit your alcohol and smoking consumption to avoid developing the serious and life-threatening sleep apnea disorder.

Adjust your Sleeping Position

How do you like to sleep at night? On your stomach, back, or side? Did you know that the way you sleep can affect your body’s ability to breathe at night? Elevating your head during sleep might be able to help reduce snoring. Those who are prone to snoring should avoid sleeping on their back entirely. This can make sleep apnea symptoms much worse if they are already existent. When sleeping on your back your tongue presses against the palate tissue, which then presses against your throat. This is what constricts your breathing and also what makes that horrible loud, impossible for anyone else in the room to sleep sounds.

Some Final Thoughts

Did you know that men are twice as likely to develop sleep apnea as women? However, women increase their chances of developing sleep apnea when they are overweight or obese. Minding your weight is good for your mind and body. Reducing your alcohol consumption can do more than just give you a good night sleep. It can give you back clarity and peace of mind. Additionally, those who reduce their alcohol consumption often notice a drop in weight. Finally, your sleeping position can dramatically impact your ability to breathe. Those who are mildly overweight or frequently hit the hay while intoxicated should avoid sleeping on their backs altogether.

Home Sleep Testing Devices and Services

If you or a family member are suffering from sleep apnea don’t be afraid to come and see us and get tested. Sleep apnea is more than just a joke about someone who snores too loud. It’s the inability to breathe frequently throughout the night while you are asleep. This can be dangerous for those who are elderly or sick frequently. Additionally, sleep apnea can affect and negatively impact the quality of life while awake for those who are young and healthy. If you haven’t been getting the quality of rest you need, come and see about a home sleep study device.




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