Sleep Apnea could be an Indicator of Other Serious Problems

Sleep Apnea could be an Indicator of Other Serious Problems


Do you wake up in the morning feeling completely exhausted after a night of interrupted sleep? Perhaps you wake up several times in the middle of the night and jerk awake, startled. Do you wake yourself, or your partner, choking or snorting loudly? All of these could be indicators of a serious sleeping issue called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. Breathing pauses can vary and some can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. These pauses may occur 30 times or more an hour!

Sleep apnea health issues can cause major problems for your body

Some people seem to think of sleep as an after-thought, not a necessity, but your body needs sleep. Researchers suggest that your brain needs that time to recuperate from a long day and “reload” your deposits of energy. Studies lead us to consider that most of the body’s growth and development occurs while you sleep and that shut-eye is needed to consolidate information learned during the day.

Other studies reveal that without sleep, people tended to forget more information they learned previously. Sleep helps people stay in a good mood; without rest, they become irritable and disorientated. Furthermore, sleep helps to keep the body healthy and strong– it allows the body to replace red and white blood cells easier. People who do not get enough lack sleep, tend to get sicker, more often.

Diagnosing sleep apnea health issues can reveal a lot about your struggles

Ever since a young age, we have all been told that sleep is important. Obviously, shut-eye is a necessity for your body, because, without it, you struggle to function. It honestly does not take much for your brain to get tired, and when it does, it gets very difficult to think clearly. Your reflexes become slower and your motor skills become less precise. You stop responding emotionally to stimuli. However, when you miss a lot of sleep, it can have serious, sometimes fatal, effects. If the depravity of sleep continues, you will experience” micro-sleeps” where the brain shuts off for 5-10 seconds at a time as it desperately seeks REM sleep.

This is especially dangerous because if it continues, you will lose consciousness because the brain needs a rest badly. This can be fatal.
Are you are having trouble sleeping? Tell someone. Sleep deprivation is not only unhealthy, but it is dangerous to both you, and those around you. Studies show that the average adult needs between 7-9 hours of sleep a night. In fact, women actually need, on average, about 20 more minutes of sleep each night than men do. Some studies attribute this to the fact that women think, and multi-task, far more, day-to-day, than men. Interestingly, most people spend a third (33%) of their lifespan sleeping!

Ask your doctor about the sleep apnea study equipment

Symptoms exist to tell your body something is wrong. If you experience morning headaches, mood swings, learning or memory issues, concentration problems, personality changes, dry mouth, frequent nocturnal urination, or irritability, you should seek help. Depression is also a major side-effect of sleep apnea and is unhealthy. If you have depression from not getting enough sleep, get help.

Go visit your doctor and ask them what they recommend. The solution could be a very simple one. A CPAP machine (continuous positive airway pressure machine) is a device that can help you get restful sleep at night by applying air pressure into your nasal passages, through a hose and mask, so that you do not stop breathing. For many people, the CPAP solved their problem.

However, the symptoms could also be indicating a bigger problem. This is why Virtuox is here to help with our home sleep apnea test machines. Using our high-tech sleep apnea study devices, we will monitor your brainwaves as you sleep to figure out why you cannot rest soundly. Many people dislike hospitals and spending the night makes them nervous, therefore, we offer in-home sleep tests, so you can rest in the comfort of your own bed.


VirtuOx is the leader in home sleep tests and pulse oximetry.

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