3 Reasons You Don’t Want a Sleep Study Test

3 Reasons You Don’t Want a Sleep Study Test

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes people to pause in their breathing when they’re sleeping or to stop breathing altogether. This disorder is serious and people who suffer from it may not even know they have the disorder. There is no blood test in the world that can detect if a person suffers from sleep apnea and it can’t be detected at a common doctor’s visit.

One of the recommendations a person’s primary physician may give is to do a sleep study test to determine if they suffer from sleep apnea. This test is less than ideal and who are a few reasons why it should be avoided.


One of the reasons we insist on a home insomnia test is because we understand the importance of making the sleeping conditions as comfortable as possible. Sleep studies are done at a remote location in a lab and it can be an invasive experience. Most of the time patients are asked to arrive two hours before bedtime and a technician will outfit the patient with electrodes or sensors on their head and body.

Sleeping under these kinds of conditions can be difficult and uncomfortable for most people since the sensors can interfere with their comfort. It can also be difficult for people who are used to waking up in the middle of the night to go use the bathroom. The sensors can hinder their movement and a technician will need to come in to help the patient to use the bathroom.

Conditions Being Replicated

The other benefit of doing a home insomnia test is the patient is able to go to sleep under normal environmental conditions. No matter how comfortable the people at the sleep lab may make the patient, it’s still an unfamiliar place to sleep. This can interfere with any information gathered during the sleep test and it could even be incomplete.

Sleeping at home is the ideal solution to this issue since the patient is able to repeat the exact conditions they undergo when heading off to bed. This allows them to get comfortable and to drift off more quickly versus doing it in an alien environment.


The biggest drawback with doing these sleep study tests is they have to be done at a remote location. It’s not a convenient solution for people who have full schedules and may need to be on the go the moment they get out of bed. Dealing with having sensors and electrodes removed can be a hassle when they have to be out the door and headed off to work.

The sleeping disorder test people can take at home is less of a hassle and more convenient. The patient doesn’t have to worry about driving to a remote location to find out if they have sleep apnea or not. The home test is less invasive, convenient, and allows the patient to sleep in the comfort of their own home. The test will most likely have more accurate results compared to the remote test since the conditions are repeated in the patient’s home instead of a remote location.

The sleeping disorder test is an ideal solution for people who suspect they may suffer from sleep apnea, but don’t want to undergo a remote sleep study test. People who have a full schedule will enjoy being able to undergo this test that is less invasive and is more convenient for their lifestyle. There are a variety of test machines that patients can choose from the base on convenience alone and the type of information needed to be gathered.

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder and should not be taken lightly. People who suspect they may suffer from this disorder should consider taking one of these at home tests to see if they have sleep apnea. Once they determine if they have disorder or not they can move forward with treating the condition.


VirtuOx is the leader in home sleep tests and pulse oximetry.
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