Is There a Connection Between Sleep Apnea and MS?

Is There a Connection Between Sleep Apnea and MS?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) can become a debilitating condition that will have a profound impact on quality of life, especially if it is not managed properly. One way in which MS interferes with normal life is by reducing the quality of sleep. Missing out on restful sleep can run a sufferer down, make other problems more noticeable, and the constant fatigue can be both physically and emotionally depressing.

For sufferers of MS, feeling tired is a regular symptom of the condition. However, statistics have shown that other conditions can make fatigue much worse for sufferers of MS. Conditions like sleep apnea, insomnia, and even restless leg syndrome are some of the conditions that are more common in people who are suffering from multiple sclerosis. It is estimated that up to 20% of all MS sufferers are affected by sleep apnea. To diagnose the condition, in home sleep study testing is used.

The connection between the two is particularly concerning because apnea is not just about the fatigue that it causes. It can increase the chances of developing a cardiac disease, and even diabetes, so anyone with both MS and sleep apnea will definitely want to look for a solution that can address the problem.

What are the Core Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?

In most cases, the first symptoms of MS will become apparent after adolescence. However, some sufferers may not notice symptoms until they are approaching their 40s. The symptoms are varied, and sometimes will occur and then never return. Some people can experience symptoms of MS for a short time, only to find that they receive no other symptoms throughout their life. For chronic sufferers, the symptoms remain for longer and are harder to treat.

Here are some of the most noticeable early warning signs of multiple sclerosis:

  • Problems with vision, such as blurriness or double vision.
  • Numbness or tingling in fingers, feet, or limbs.
  • Balance and coordination problems. Sufferers may lose basic motor skills.
  • A feeling of weakness in a particular limb.
  • Cognitive problems, such as difficulty maintaining focus or thinking clearly.


The problems with numbness and tingling are quite common and can become problematic as they can reduce general mobility or functionality of the digits. As an example, a sufferer with numbness, tingling, or general discomfort in the legs or feet may find that it becomes difficult to walk.

Weakness in the muscles or regular spasms can also cause mobility problems, and sometimes this is made even worse because most MS sufferers will also experience dizziness or lightheadedness.

Although MS can have an impact on cognitive function, it does not mean that sufferers lose any level of their intelligence or their ability to process information. However, it can mean that memory performance is degraded, and a sufferer may find it difficult to focus in some situations. This can make basic interactions difficult, and it’s important that sufferers don’t isolate themselves from others due to their problems with slower thinking or a reduced attention span.

Considering these symptoms (which are only a few of the possible symptoms of MS), it becomes clear that a lack of sleep and general fatigue caused by sleep apnea would make all of these problems worse and more noticeable.

Why Sleep Testing is Important – Apnea Explained

Sleep apnea is a fairly common disorder that sometimes goes undiagnosed. Today, with more awareness, many patients choose sleep testing to fully diagnose apnea and get treatment. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the airway collapses during sleep, causing moments of reduced oxygen intake and near-wakefulness. This can happen multiple times throughout the night, resulting in poor sleep quality and daily fatigue. When combined with a condition like multiple sclerosis, sleep apnea will seriously reduce quality of life.

A lack of sleep isn’t just dangerous due to the fatigue that is caused, but it can also lead to obesity, heart disease, and even diabetes. Combining the conditions with MS can have a significant impact on quality of life, which is why it is so important for any MS sufferer to address their sleep apnea issue with testing and treatment.

An In-Home Sleep Study is the Best Way to Diagnose Sleep Apnea

Your sleep test results will be interpreted by a physician, allowing you to understand more about why you are feeling so fatigued every day. There are a number of available treatments once apnea has been diagnosed through sleep testing, such as using a CPAP machine to keep airways functioning during the night. The use of a machine can bring back restful sleep and allow sufferers of MS to eliminate at least one of the problems that is affecting their quality of life.

You can learn more about sleep studies and specialized equipment by browsing our page today.


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