How Accurate Are At Home Sleep Studies?

How Accurate Are At Home Sleep Studies?

VirtuOX, Inc. is a Medicare approved Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF). With years of extensive experience, we specialize in home sleep studies and sleep apnea disorder monitoring. In fact, we conduct overnight Oximetry tests that are precise and accurate. These tests are designed for the purposes of home oxygen qualification – including CPAP machines and other breathing devices. Our highly-dedicated team is committed to excellence in all oximetry testing – and we truly go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure timely and accurate readings for all home-based sleep and oxygen studies.

Home Oxygen Therapy Tests

CMS mandates all claims for home oxygen therapies to be supported by valid qualifying test results. This means your oximetry test must be conducted by a qualified and licensed provider of laboratory services. At VirtuOX, we have been performing these tests for years – for patients of all ages. In fact, our company continues to be an industry leader in home sleep apnea and oxygen tests. Not only do we feature the best testing and overnight pulse oximetry studies, we also offer accurate readings for primary care physicians and sleep doctors as well. With this mind, one phone call or e-mail is all you need to schedule a sleep test and take advantage of our cutting-edge nocturnal oximetry testing studies.

In 2005, CMS released a new policy related to Patient Self-Administered Overnight Oximetry Testing. Based on these new guidelines and regulations, we at VirtuOX developed proprietary – web based communication software that allows DME providers to be the courier of the oximetry testing devices (oximeters). This includes to and from the patient’s home, which is truly convenient and allows us to monitor patient breathing and sleeping patterns to a tee.

Overnight Oximetry Testing

For the overnight oximetry test, the DME provider connects the oximeter to their PC and uploads test data to VirtuOX’s HIPAA compliant servers. In fact, our proprietary software app creates a detailed report that is faxed to the patient’s treating physician. This includes a primary doctor, along with a sleep physician – who may then order home oxygen or CPAP units for the patient.

 Oximetry tests, however, may only be performed after a written physician’s order has been received by us at VirtuOX. The DME must also receive a copy of the report once we confirm receipt of the patient signed “Assignment Benefits” form. This ensures timely monitoring of oxygen, pulse, blood and other levels – along with accurate readings to determine your breathing and/or sleep apnea issues or disorders.

The Many Benefits of VirtuOX

There are several benefits of using VirtuOX for your home oxygen qualification and sleep apnea- disorder studies. In fact, here are some key benefits for you and anyone that requires breathing monitoring or supplemental oxygen assistance throughout the night:


  • The VirtuOX web application may be used by any DME providers - who creates and account through a VirtuOX customer service representative. This can be online or through the phone, as well as e-mail and other forms of communications.



  • VirtuOX offers both a one-page summary report and a multiple page detailed report. Both versions are easy to read and include data, graphs, and accurate readings across the board.


  • DME providers can increase their oxygen patient census by utilizing VirtuOX customizable marketing flyers. This includes sample prescriptions, along with policies, guidelines, and procedures.


DME providers can also track their success by utilizing our Executive on Demand Dashboard. These innovative tools and features allow providers to track the number of referrals per physician, along with the number of qualified vs. non-qualified patients. They can also track DSO for tests and related information. VirtuOX is proud to offer this comprehensive and cohesive dashboard platform for all DMEs that utilize online oximetry testing services.

For more information on home oximetry testing services, simply contact us today or visit our website. You can also check out our reviews online to learn more today.


VirtuOx is the leader in home sleep tests and pulse oximetry.
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