Effective Strategies for Improving Sleep with Diabetes

Effective Strategies for Improving Sleep with Diabetes

If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, you may already know that you are at a higher risk of suffering from a sleep disorder such as insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, sleep disturbances, and poor sleep quality. The reason for this is the fact that sleep and diabetes are closely connected. Indeed, sleep can affect blood sugar levels and diabetes can affect sleep. So, how to sleep better when you have diabetes? Continue reading below to learn some effective strategies for improving sleep with diabetes.

How to Sleep Better when You Have Diabetes?

  1. Improve your Blood Sugar Control

Experiencing blood sugar levels way off your target levels requires better control if you want to sleep better. Hence, discuss your blood sugar levels with your healthcare provider or a certified diabetes specialist so that you can successfully get them in range. Sometimes, simple diabetes regimen tweaks can help you get better control, especially before bedtime. That said, consider eating more veggies at dinner and less starch, going for a walk, or practicing deep breathing or stretching exercises.

  1. Treat Your Comorbidities

Another important factor contributing to better sleep with diabetes, in addition to controlling your blood sugar levels, is seeking treatment for other health conditions you suffer from. For example, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder characterized by breathing interruptions during sleep as a result of upper airway collapse. This disorder is linked to inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance. So, to get better sleep you have to treat it.

  1. Follow a Bedtime Routine

Following a nighttime routine is one of the key elements of better sleep hygiene. Yet, you have to establish a regimen that fits your lifestyle, as well as ensure that it is consistent and relaxing. Consider incorporating the following routines into your nighttime regimen: having a bath or a shower, listening to soft music, reading a book, doing yoga, etc. Besides this, make sure you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. These behaviors will improve your sleep quality and duration, which will in turn improve your blood sugar levels.

  1. Avoid Screen Time Before Bed

Furthermore, a successful strategy for improving sleep with diabetes is staying away from electronic devices before bed, including TV, smartphones, laptops, etc. These devices emit blue light that increases alertness and impedes sleep, leading to fatigue, insomnia, lack of sleep, and negative mood. Therefore, try not using any devices for a least an hour before bed if you want to get quality sleep, which will have a positive impact on your blood sugar levels.

  1. Practice Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is another important element when it comes to improving sleep when suffering from diabetes. Namely, exercise decreases insulin resistance which means that the body becomes more sensitive to insulin – a hormone that helps in moving sugar from the blood to the cells. Plus, exercise can help in reducing the risk of heart disease, obesity, and poor sleep. But, it doesn’t mean that you have to do strenuous exercise. Start by doing something light and enjoyable and build up gradually.

  1. Avoid Caffeine Consumption

Last but not least, we all know that caffeine helps us stay alert. That said, if you want to improve your sleep you have to avoid drinking coffee, or other caffeinated drinks, in the afternoon, in the evening, and at night. According to studies, the effects of caffeine can last up to ten hours. So, if you have diabetes and consume caffeine six to eight hours before bed, you can experience sleep disruption, exacerbating the cycle.
