Do You Snore? You Probably Have Sleep Apnea and Need a Sleep Study!

Do You Snore? You Probably Have Sleep Apnea and Need a Sleep Study!

If you are like many people who snore so profusely that the snoring wakes them up, you definitely need to visit a doctor. It is extremely likely that you’re dealing with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder which, if left undiagnosed, can worsen over time. Hence, it’s crucial to diagnose and treat this sleep disorder. The best way is to undergo a sleep study. However, what does this mean and what should you expect? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about a sleep study.

Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person experiences breathing breaks during sleep. So, your doctor will probably suggest a sleep study to diagnose the condition. Some of the primary symptoms which indicate that you should have a sleep study include:

  • heavy snoring and being sleeping throughout the day;
  • the lack of sleep has a negative impact on the quality of your life;
  • there is a high risk of other health issues;

Reasons for a Sleep Study

A sleep study is the most effective way to know if you have sleep apnea. The most common type of a sleep study is an all-night sleep study done in a qualified sleep lab. This sleep study is commonly known as polysomnography. However, it’s also possible to conduct a sleep study in the comfort of your own home using a portable equipment.

The main reason why you should accept to undergo a sleep study is the fact that if sleep apnea is left untreated, it can interfere with your quality of life. Likewise, it might be associated and trigger other health issues, such as depression, hypertension, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, coronary artery disease, and stroke.

It’s important to mention that if you only snore but have no other health issue, it might not be necessary to have a sleep study. You might be asked only to lose some weight or go to bed at the same time every night.

What to Expect During a Sleep Study

The process starts when you visit a sleep specialist. They will conduct a comprehensive questionnaire and you will be asked to have a sleep study. The sleep study can be performed in a lab or at home.

Here is how a sleep study in a sleep lab looks like:

  • You will be asked to come to the sleep centre in the early evening. The sleep centre might be an office building which has hotel rooms which are monitored overnight.
  • You will be given a comfortable bed, a bathroom and a TV. You can only bring your own pillow if it’ll make you feel and sleep better.
  • Then, you will be attached with over a dozen leads to your chest, legs, and head and the leads will go to a big box which is set in the bed next to you.
  • Your job will be only to fall asleep, the rest is their job.

If this procedure seems like a hassle, you can opt for a home sleep study. This means that you will get a device which you’ll be required to wear while sleeping. If you choose this option, you'll have the complete instructions delivered to your door along with 24/7 support if required. Home testing is between 1/3 and 1/10 the cost of a study done in-lab and while you still have to pay for home testing, the cost is considerably less than what you would pay for an in-lab test.

What Does the Sleep Study Measure?

The sleep study measures how often will you wake up or stop breathing while sleeping. Moreover, the study will monitor your blood oxygen level and any restless leg reactions. In case you are constantly experiencing sleep apnea, you might be waken up halfway through the study to try a CPAP machine.

What Happens After the Sleep Study?

Depending on your diagnosis, you will either be prescribed with a retainer-like thing to alleviate snoring or a CPAP machine, which will keep your airway open while you sleep. Moreover, you might be asked to undertake some lifestyle changes, medicines, or surgery to remove extra tissue in the throat.
