Can a Sleep Study Be Done At Home

Can a Sleep Study Be Done At Home

If you have ever experienced lying awake in your bed at night staring at the ceiling and willing for sleep to come, you may be experiencing insomnia. Difficulty falling asleep at night, poor quality of sleep, waking up during the night and being unable to go back to sleep, and waking up earlier than you planned- these are all typical signs of insomnia. Read on to find out about an easy, in-home sleeping disorder test.

Diagnosing Insomnia

Irrespective of whether you have insomnia due to medical conditions, lifestyle habits, or something else, it needs to be properly diagnosed and treated. The first step may be to monitor your sleeping patterns and watching for other related or non-related issues such as irritability, stress, fatigue, amount of time you put aside to sleep each night, and the time it takes you to fall asleep. If your sleep does not improve in three months, it is best to seek professional help.

A board-certified physician can look at your medical history and run tests on you to determine the cause(s) of your insomnia and the best course of action for treating it. If needed, you may also be asked to spend a night at a medical facility, or sleep lab, where you would be hooked up to various sensors that can provide vital information for the doctor to determine not only the cause of insomnia but if you have any other disorders. While such testing (called polysomnogram) is quite useful, getting accurate results might be a problem. Think about sleeping with wires and sensors attached to you, a new environment, and a bed that may or may not be very comfortable for you. 

Do you think you would be comfortable enough to sleep the same way you do at home in your own bed? Add to this the fact that someone (a licensed sleep technologist) will be watching and monitoring you all night long. I would think anybody’s sleep will likely be disturbed in this setting. So the values of your brain wave activity (EEG), heart rate, leg movements, and other body functions that are measured in this test, will not be accurate. You certainly would not want this. A much better option is a home insomnia test.

A Sleep Study is Possible at Home

With VirtuOx’s VirtuSOM Insomnia Testing, testing for insomnia is absolutely hassle-free. First and foremost, the need for spending a night in a sleep lab is removed as this compact device allows you to test yourself at home. Secondly, you will not feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable with various electrodes stuck to your body. VirtuSOM is like a head band that is placed on your forehead and has only three sensors. Your pre-bedtime routine is not disturbed and you get to sleep as usual in your own bed. So you are able to get measurements of a typical night. You also need not worry about missing work or being late for work the next morning.

For even more convenience, the VirtuSOM device can be delivered right to your door with easy instructions as well as a toll-free 24/7 technical support line for any questions you may have. After the testing, all you need to do is drop off the device in a stamped and pre-paid priority mail FedEx box. Your doctor can then go over your results and contact you in a few days. That’s it! With minimal bother you are able to get accurate sleep study results for yourself and feel confident knowing that any needed treatment will be based on this, and not on data that came from a sleep study that does not reflect a typical night for you. With the cost of this home insomnia test being less than the cost of any facility based insomnia tests you cannot go wrong with VirtuSOM. Just check out our website to find out more about VirtuSOM or about other medical products and services that we provide at VirtuOx.

So as you can see, the diagnosis of insomnia need not be an overwhelming and time-consuming process. With VirtuSOM you can soon be on your way to discover the cause of your insomnia and getting the correct treatment for it.


VirtuOx is the leader in home sleep tests and pulse oximetry.
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