3 Acupressure Points That Can Help You Sleep and Fight Insomnia

3 Acupressure Points That Can Help You Sleep and Fight Insomnia

One of the most common sleep disorders which causes difficulties to fall and stay asleep is known as insomnia. People who deal with insomnia usually find it hard to sleep nine hours a night which is highly recommended. Insomnia can last from a few days or weeks to several months.

There are numerous things which can provide relief and ease the symptoms of insomnia. One of the most effective methods has proven to be acupressure.

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique which involves using physical touch to stimulate pressure points. The pressure points correspond to various aspects of physical and mental health. Acupressure can be performed by a professional or you can do it on your own.

This technique provides relief when the energy in the body is blocked only by applying pressure on key points along the energy meridians identified by traditional Chinese medicine. On your body, there are several acupressure points which will help you fall asleep and sleep better. In fact, acupressure has been proven very effective in treating insomnia.

There are several acupressure points which can manage sleep disorders. Hence, besides insomnia, they can combat sleep apnea. So, if you’re dealing with a sleep disorder and the first thing that comes to your mind is to take a sleeping pill, remember that there is a safer method.

Acupressure Points for Sleeping Disorders and Insomnia

Suffering from a sleep disorder can be quite troublesome and exhausting. In fact, sleep disorders will make you feel tired, sleepy throughout the day, and eyestrain. Likewise, sleeplessness can have a negative impact on the digestive health of the person.

Most sleeping disorders are very common in people and their main culprit is the hectic life we lead. So, instead of reaching for some over-the-counter medicines, opt for acupressure.

There are three powerful and effective acupressure points which will help you fall asleep within minutes.


Anmian, or also known as peaceful sleep is a very powerful acupressure point. This acupressure point is located just behind your ear. You will find it easy as it’s a soft area just before the point where your neck muscles meet the jawline. In order to massage this area, you need to apply pressure with your thumb or with the index and middle fingers. Massage the area for about 15 to 20 minutes.


Neiguan is an acupressure point which is located between the two tendons on the underside of your forearm, just above the wrist. In order to find it, place three fingers right at the wrist joint and feel around at that spot. You should feel and see two tendons clearly. So, you should apply pressure between the two tendons. Moreover, it’s possible to buy wristbands which will apply pressure on that point while you sleep.


You will find this acupressure point located toward the rear of the heel. This spot responds both to heat and pressure. Soaking your feet in warm water can be a great alternative to acupressure before going to bed. 

As we already mentioned, we recommend you consult an acupressure therapist for proper treatment. You can additionally try other methods for better sleep such as

  • sitting in a hot tub or taking a warm bath before sleeping;
  • using aromatherapy for better and deeper sleep;
  • using sound machines;

 However, if none of these methods and alternative technique seems to help, you should definitely consult your physician or a professional medical facility to help you ease the insomnia symptoms.
