10 Tips by Patients and Experts for Living with Atrial Fibrillation

10 Tips by Patients and Experts for Living with Atrial Fibrillation

Living with atrial fibrillation can be challenging and thus, it’s very important to know that you’re not alone. As the most common type of heart arrhythmia, there are many people who deal with the same problems with their heart rhythms. Living with this condition might affect various other life aspects and your overall health. Hence, we composed a list of the most practical tips given by patients and experts which will help you live easier and better with atrial fibrillation.

10 Tips for Living with Atrial Fibrillation

1. Remember that you are at a higher risk of stroke. In fact, atrial fibrillation increases the risk of stroke even five times. Talk to your doctor about this as they can calculate the risk. Many people who deal with AFib need blood thinners, while others only need an aspirin.

2. Always tell your physician how you feel and how AFib affects every aspect in your life. This will help your medical team tailor the treatment to your needs and give all the necessary information you need for managing the condition.

3. Address and manage the other medical conditions which might happen at the same time with AFib, such as sleep apnea, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders, and heart failure.

4. One of the most important parts of managing AFib are medications which need to be taken exactly as prescribed. This also means that if you experience any side effects, you should tell your doctor. Never change or stop taking medications unless your health provider says so.

5. Consume a heart-healthy diet which will help you fuel your body. Moreover, make sure you limit the intake of alcohol, caffeine, smoking, fat and salt. It’s advisable to consult a dietitian who can help you adopt a healthy eating plan.

6. Make sure you shed some pounds as losing weight can help in the management of AFib. Weight management might also help you reduce the number of medications.

7. Stop worrying and stressing out as they can make AFib worse. Stress is known to cause a faster heart rate which isn’t good for the condition. Some of the methods which can help you lower stress are yoga, meditation, listing to music, or going for a walk.

8. Find a proper workout routine and stick to it. Make sure the exercises are moderate and do them several times a week. Avoid overly vigorous workouts which can trigger a faster heart rate.

9. Socialize and take up new hobbies. This will help you maintain a positive attitude, make new friends and easily cope with your condition.

10. Always accept help and support, especially by health providers or other people dealing with the same condition. Moreover, ask your family and friends to help you cope with AFib.

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