Short-Term Insomnia Causes

Short-Term Insomnia Causes

Sleep deprivation and trouble sleeping can happen occasionally and go away in a matter of time. If you experience trouble falling or staying asleep from time to time, you probably don’t pay too much attention to it. This is so because a temporary disruption of sleep is usually quickly forgotten. However, it is very crucial to notice how much time do these sleep issues last so that you can determine whether you have acute insomnia or chronic problems. Short-term insomnia can happen due to a number of reasons and one of the most common cause is stress. Hence, here is everything there is to know about short-term insomnia causes.

Short-term insomnia usually about three months or less and what triggers it are stressors. Some of the most common stressors for short-term insomnia include stress, such as a divorce, or a job loss, sleeping environment changes, recent surgery, pain, or illnesses.

Moreover, other short-term insomnia triggers can be medications, illegal drugs, stimulants, or alcohol. The short-term insomnia is very likely to resolve as soon as the stressor resolves. Likewise, jet lag, or traveling across time zones is another common trigger for this type of insomnia. Jet lag is most pronounced when traveling west to east and sometimes several days are needed the sleep pattern to adjust.

Furthermore, there are certain medical issues which can trigger short-term insomnia, including the use of medications, illnesses which affect the breathing, and steroids. The sleep environment can also affect sleep. So, make sure your room is always dark, quiet, comfortable, and free of disruption.

Insomnia can be quite common in people who work the night shift. Hence, it can be quite challenging to stay awake at work or staying asleep past noon. Nevertheless, the most common cause seems to be the stress which can be a result of some major life changes, such as the death of close family or friends, problems at work, relationship discord, financial stress or divorce.

However, if the trouble to fall or stay asleep persists for longer than 3 months, it actually becomes a chronic issue. When a person has chronic insomnia, different treatment and assessment are required. In fact, acute and chronic insomnia are considered to be separate conditions because the causes are different.

It is very important to recognize the cause of short-term insomnia so they can be addressed and the sleep troubles resolved. By treating the trigger, you can help treat and alleviate the symptoms of insomnia. Maintaining a regular sleep pattern is of crucial importance.

No matter what causes short-term insomnia, the causes can be serious. Thus, it is crucial to consider the situation and address the difficulties before they become a chronic issue.
