Menopause or Perimenopause and Sleep

Menopause or Perimenopause and Sleep

If you are going through menopause, you are very likely to have experienced broken sleep cycles, night sweats, or excessive sleep. To alleviate these symptoms you have probably tried taking hormone replacement therapy which is the most common treatment doctors prescribe. However, it may not be the most efficient for improving sleep quality and quantity.

Namely, according to new research, the cause of these problems is mental health. Luckily, you can successfully address this issue by trying some natural remedies that will help reduce menopause symptoms and improve sleep.

The Link between Menopause, Poor Sleep, and Mental Health

We all know that menopause affects sleep even though the connection between mental health and sleep during menopause may not seem so obvious. The truth is, although women try to treat menopause symptoms with medications, they end up having more and more troubles falling and staying asleep. These women also wake up frequently at night and suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders which may lead to depression. And, research shows that women going through menopause are at higher risk of suffering from depression.

Natural Menopause Treatment Alternatives

According to new research, treating menopause symptoms could be as simple as introducing a couple of lifestyle changes, which can give as effective results, and sometimes better, as hormone replacement therapy.

So, here’s a list of the changes you could introduce to your life to help reduce menopause symptoms and improve sleep and mental health:

Have a Healthy Morning Routine

Starting your day right is the first change you should make to address both your mental and physical menopause- and sleep-related issues. Your healthy morning routine should consist of at least 15 minutes of exposure to natural sunlight and light exercise to help you improve energy.

Adopt a Positive Mindset

Once you have established your healthy morning routine, you should try to adopt a positive mindset since challenging negative menopause thoughts and stereotypes is essential for fighting against mental and sleep issues. One of the best ways to achieve this is by having a healthy bedtime routine.

Once we are ready for bed, we usually lie down and start thinking about all the problems and negative aspects we’d like to change. But, by trying some healthy distractions such as listening to music, talking with your family or friends, doing breathing exercises, or yoga, you can adopt a positive mindset and keep your focus away from worries.

Try Healthy Coping Methods

Coping with both the physical and emotional changes introduced by menopause can be challenging sometimes. But, by replacing your old coping methods with healthier ones, you can improve your mental health and reduce sleep issues.

Having said that, think about trying mind-body therapies like yoga, acupuncture, massage, and tai chi which are all great ways to honor both aspects of your health, physical and mental. Similarly, try relaxing with a cup of herbal tea or chatting with your loved ones instead of drinking alcohol or smoking hoping to calm your nerves.

Try Natural Supplements

Last but not least, natural supplements can certainly help you relieve menopause symptoms and do wonders for your mental, emotional, and physical health in general. Plus, natural supplements are especially effective when it comes to boosting mood and alleviating depression symptoms.

Yet, make sure you talk to your primary care physician before taking any supplements, whether vitamins or minerals.
