Lung Cancer Types

Lung Cancer Types

A malignant lung tumor characterized by abnormal cell growth in the lung tissues is called lung cancer, also referred to as lung carcinoma because about 98 to 99% of all lung cancers are actually carcinomas. There are numerous different types of the disease including the most common ones found right in the lungs and other rarer types that may occur both in the lungs and chest wall. Knowing the exact type of lung cancer you have is essential in determining your best treatment options and your prognosis.

Hence, let’s have a closer look at some common types of lung cancer.

Lung Nodules

Lung nodules can be benign, precancerous, or metastatic tumors that have spread from other body parts. They are typically small in size, but sometimes a large nodule can form indicating higher chances of cancer.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

This is the most common lung cancer type. Compared to small cell lung cancer, it spreads more slowly. There are three kinds of this type of lung cancer – adenocarcinoma (begins in the outer sections of the lungs), large cell carcinomas (begins anywhere in the lungs and grows fast), and squamous cell carcinoma, known as epidermoid carcinoma (begins in the bronchi in the middle of the lungs).

The treatment of non-small cell lung cancer usually includes surgery which may also be combined with radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy in more advanced cancers. Also, such therapies may be needed before surgery to prevent further spread and shrink tumors.

Small Cell Lung Cancer

In general, the common cause of small cell lung cancer is cigarette smoking. Unfortunately, this type of lung cancer spreads and grows more quickly than other types. Small cell carcinoma and combined small cell carcinoma are the two main types of small cell lung cancer.

When it comes to treatment options, contrary to non-small cell lung cancers where surgery is the most commonly used option, chemotherapy is the best treatment for small cell lung cancer as this cancer type spreads quickly and chemotherapy medicines circulate throughout the body eliminating lung cancer cells.

Furthermore, radiation therapy is also an option for treating small cell lung cancer combined with chemotherapy when the tumor is limited to the lungs and chest. But, that’s not all. Radiation therapy is also used to either treat or prevent metastasis, to prevent tumor recurrence after surgery, or to treat tumors in those who aren’t suitable candidates for surgery.


Here’s one rare cancer type of the chest lining accounting for only 5% of all lung cancer cases. Mesothelioma is typically caused by exposure to asbestos and develops over a very long time, about 30 to 50 years. Once it is diagnosed, the accurate stage, the size of the tumor, and its progression should be determined to be able to get the right therapy.

Usually, combined treatment approaches are used to treat mesothelioma which may include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. In general, chemotherapy is used before surgery, as well as certain new drugs that are currently being tested and supposed to fight mesothelioma cells.

Chest Wall Tumors

Finally, chest wall tumors are yet another rare lung cancer type. They can be malignant or benign like every other cancer type. Yet, if the tumor is malignant it must be treated straight away. On the other hand, if it is a benign tumor the treatment depends on the location of the tumor and the symptoms they cause.
