Sleep Apnea: Why You Need The VPOD Freedom Product

Sleep Apnea: Why You Need The VPOD Freedom Product


Struggling with sleep apnea is difficult for the entire family. It’s scary for the sufferer because he or she may go to bed wondering what the night holds in store while loved ones try to stay awake on the perchance that something happens while the person with apnea is sleeping. Current research says that reducing your salt may be sufficient enough to treat apnea. Therefore, if you suffer from sleep apnea, you should watch and/or reduce your sodium at all times. This action alone can help you lose weight and may decrease your risk of high blood pressure and other ailments. That said, what if you were told that there is a VPOD Freedom sleep-monitoring device might also help you alleviate sleep apnea?

What is the VPOD Freedom?

VPOD Freedom is an FDA-approved handheld sleep monitoring device or a pulse oximetry product. It uses a probe to record your pulse and oxygen. In a survey done in April 2015, the VPOD Freedom from VirtuOx was ranked one of the top four pulse oximetry products on the market.

Unlike its fellow top three, the VPOD Freedom product runs on rechargeable lithium ion batteries so you eliminate the cost of constantly having to run to the store to buy AAA batteries. The batteries have a charge life of 24 hours, which is convenient and allows you enough time to recharge the unit. It also trumps the other products because of its 72-hour memory capacity with a measurement range of 0 to 100% +/-2% accuracy. To use it is simple, as there is a special rubber probe that you slide over your finger. Additional sensor probes are available in all sizes. Most importantly, if you sleep alone, you can still be assured that someone is watching over you since the VPOD Freedom uploads your data using an M2M wireless cellular pulse oximeter to transmit to the Virtuox cloud-based account, while keeping a 72-hour record on the device for your personal convenience. It has been known to reduce patient home deliveries by up to 33%.

Why It Is Important To Treat Apnea

Recent studies show that apnea increases the chances of a person developing gout or flare-ups. This is because apnea triggers the overproduction of uric acid and this leads to pain in joints and tissues. Apnea also puts a person at risk for heart attacks, hypertension, enlarged hearts, and heart failure.

Finally, it is important to understand the overall effect on health by sleep apnea – and that the risk is there whether you sleep at night or during the day. According to Dr. John Dolatowski, a Hobart internist, one in four middle-aged adults suffers from sleep apnea. He calls it an epidemic – many who have it are hesitant to seek a medical opinion because of the expense it may entail, the time it will take, or the fear of being tested. However, not treating it is far worse, as it affects your daily life and relationships.

VirtuOx is the leader in home sleep tests and pulse oximetry.
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